My Story


Alexander has been in the field of video editing since 1994 where he obtained his first editing gig working for a local UHF TV station, KRBK channel 31in Sacramento. The job entailed editing their newest show, the weekend news. This would be the first in a long list of startup shows which Alexander edited into existence.

The station changed its name to KMAX and expanded Alexander’s position to full time. Within a few months he became an integral part of the team which started a new show called Good Day Sacramento. Nearly 30 years later this show is still on the air.

In 1997 he moved to the Bay Area and worked freelance in News from KTVU, KRON, and KPIX.Alexander landed a full time gig at KPIX, again working in the news department in 1998. Six months later he was asked to be a part of a new daily half hour show called Evening Magazine. His role was show editor, working on an Avid Composer system. For the next 7 years he put together a great show that earned countless Emmys. Alexander also got to work with Mike Rowe who was host for 4 years. Those who watched Evening Magazine know that is where Mike originated the idea for Dirty Jobs, a show picked up by the Discovery Channel.

In 2005, Alexander packed up his family and moved to Portland,Oregon. True to form he was able to work on the startup show called Better, produced at KPTV 12. This time the show was an hour long daily production with liveon set segments and national distribution to 53 markets. Again he would be editing with an Avid system, managing media from Iowa and New York, all on a central Avid Interplay server.

At the same time Alexander started a new half hour show called Dream Homes that was shot and produced in the Bay Area. In this project he utilized Final Cut Pro for editing the show that aired on KGO in San Francisco.

The Dream Homes concept changed over time and morphed into another half hour show called Half Off, which in turn morphed into

Malou Nubla, former host of Evening Magazine,would even get in on the action with a collaboration with the host of When the corporate decision was made to move the Better show to Connecticut, Alexander didn’t miss a beat and began working for KOIN in their news department in 2009.

At KOIN he won a first place AP award for sports editing. The touching story was about a little girl and her terminally ill father, and the foundation she founded to help those in need with the type of cancer her father had in 2014, after 5 years at KOIN, Alexander made the decision to get back into production, and temporarily moved to Los Angeles to work at the LA Center Studios for the Reelz Network where he worked on 26 Hollywood specials that aired on the network between April and September of that year. Again Alexander would work on an Avid Composer system attached to a Unity server with 4 workstations.

In 2015, Alexander would again be working for KPTV, this time for their number 1 rated morning show. He also edits for their new daily show called More that airs in the hour after the morning broadcast.Alexander has a lineage of television production that spans over 2 decades, and multiple editing platforms through various interconnected server systems. Alexander has been at the start of over 7 new shows, 3 of which he was the sole editing production arm.

In 2020, Alexander left the local tv industry altogether to run his own production company in which he is the sole member of AVD DIGITAL PRODUCTIONS LLC. He has a few clients but is always ready to add more. Alexander has the experience to take your production to the next level, and beyond.